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Beyond the Classroom

Beyond the classroom  

South Nottinghamshire Academy Sixth Form offers a wide-ranging Post-16 co-curriculum. You will have the chance to further develop skills that will ensure you leave South Nottinghamshire as an active citizen.  

There will be opportunities for you to choose from a range of extra qualifications and activities such as:  

• Community Sports Leadership Awards 

• Duke of Edinburgh Award 

• EtonX 

• Extended Project Qualification 

• Futurelearn courses

• Stellar Programme

• Independent living  

• NCS Skills Booster 

• Participating in Performing Arts activities 

• Representing the Academy in a variety of sports teams  

• Sixth Form Leadership Team 

• Subject ambassadors  

• Taking on leadership roles across the school  

• Work experience 


Resit GCSE English and Maths

Statutory PSHE Programme

Statutory Religious Education Programme


We work with the University of Cambridge, Peterhouse College to support academically able Year 12 students who have the potential to make strong applications to the University of Cambridge and other research-intensive universities. It is intended to provide these students with activities to stretch and challenge them academically and provide them with the advice and guidance needed to make competitive applications to higher education. 


“Students in the Sixth Form are mature and focused. They act as role models for younger pupils. Many undertake extended projects and volunteering opportunities through the ‘Stellar’ programme. This helps students to strengthen their applications for their next steps, including those who choose to go to university.” - Ofsted 2022