South Nottinghamshire Academy is committed to providing all students with a full-time education that maximises each student’s opportunities and allows everyone to realise their true potential. We believe that if a student is to benefit from education, good attendance is crucial.
Attendance is a critical factor to a productive and successful Academy career; our Academy will actively promote and encourage 100% attendance for all our students.
The South Nottinghamshire Academy will give high priority to communicating with parents and students the importance of regular and punctual attendance. We recognise that parents have a vital role to play and that there is a need to establish strong home-school links and communications systems that can be utilised whenever there is concern about attendance.
If there are problems which affect a student’s attendance we will investigate, identify and strive, in partnership with parents and students, to resolve those problems as quickly as possible.
Attendance Team
If you have any concerns or questions about your child’s attendance, you can contact our attendance team.
Our Attendance Officer is Mrs Turner and our Attendance Administrator is Miss Palmer and you can contact them via
Please use the buttons below to access further information regarding attendance.
General Absence
You will need to notify the Academy on the morning of each day your child is absent from school. Calls should be made before 8:25am if possible. Your message should be left on the answering service by calling 0115 9110091 and pressing option 1. Alternatively, email
Injuries/Mobility Difficulties
If your child has an injury or requires special medical assistance when they return to school, please telephone us to discuss your child’s mobility needs. For example, if they need crutches to help them to walk, we will need to make special arrangements for them to move around the academy. We are required to complete a risk assessment to ensure the safety of your child on site and we can only do this if you let us know in advance of their return to school. Thank you for your help with this.
Understanding Types of Absences
Every half day absence has to be classified by the school (not by parent/guardians) as either authorised or unauthorised. Information about the cause of any absence is always required, even if it is personal.
Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons away from school for a good reason such as illness, medical/dental appointments which unavoidably fall in school time, or emergencies.
Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable. This type of absence can lead to the Local Authority using sanctions and/or legal proceedings. This includes:
- Parents/guardians keeping pupils off unnecessarily.
- Truancy before or during the school day.
- Absences which have never been properly explained.
- Shopping, looking after other children or birthdays.
- Day trips and holidays in term time.
- Oversleeping.
- Absence to look after a sibling who is unwell or to take them to school.
- Confusion over term dates.
Any problems with regular attendance are best sorted out between school, the parent/guardian and the student.
Absence During Term Time
Absences during term-time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances.
- On average children who miss 17 days of school in one year lose one full grade at GCSE
- Missing just 7 ½ days can make a significant difference to the chances of achieving five good GCSE grades.
If you would still like to apply for absence from school during term time, please complete the Absence Request Form which you can find at the bottom of this page.
This form should be returned to reception at least four weeks before the first day of absence.
If your child is late to school, they will be required to sign in at the Head of House office where they will be issued with a late slip to pass to the teacher. Lateness is not tolerated at South Nottinghamshire Academy, therefore, lateness will result in a lunchtime detention.
Attendance Frequently Asked Questions
Q: My child is just having an ‘off day’, can I just keep them off?
A: Having sporadic days off school can quickly add up. We always want to encourage pupils to attend, sometimes getting out of bed, showering and putting on a uniform is all it takes to feel a little better. Coming to school on days when you don’t really feel like it can make a big difference.
Q: My child was sick over the weekend, should I keep him/her at home?
A: We don’t have a fixed 48hr rule for diarrhoea & sickness. If your child has had an isolated incident and is feeling better, please send them to school.
Q: I have received an attendance letter and I do not like the tone.
A: We’re sorry you feel that way but we have to state facts and legal information to make things clear. Each letter forms part of a possible legal intervention and must leave no ambiguity.
Q: I can’t provide medical evidence because it’s impossible to get a GP appointment.
A: Wherever possible, we will request medical evidence. If your child is off for 4 consecutive days, we will expect a GP visit. If your child has had several shorter absences for the same condition, we will also expect a GP visit. Medical evidence makes the difference between authorised absence and unauthorised absence. We do not pursue legal intervention where medical evidence is provided. It’s as important for you as it is for us.
Q: I do not like being challenged regarding my child’s absences and reserve the right to make the decision as to whether my child is well enough to attend school.
A: We are sorry you feel that way but please bear in mind that our team are simply doing their jobs in complying with school rules and statutory guidance. It’s not personal and ultimately, we can offer a multitude of support to help your child’s attendance improve and safeguard their future success. Remember, we care.
Q: Why do I have to tell you the details when my child is unwell?
A: Firstly, your conversation with us is confidential. We do not share details with the wider school community. We do need to keep accurate records, but we need to know exactly what’s wrong so that we can offer the right level of support and guidance. We care for every aspect of your child’s health and wellbeing from migraines to mental health. Good communication will help us to help you.
Q: Why do I need to call school every day when my child is absent?
A: Put simply, we have a duty of care and cannot assume that your child is at home. A daily call to us will give both school and home the confidence of knowing that your child is safe.
Q: I cannot take your calls or make meetings due to work commitments.
A: We will endeavour to work around your schedule in the interest of your child. Conversations and face to face meetings are important in building relationships. Family dynamics are unique and so are the interventions we can put in place to help your child to overcome barriers to attendance. Please do not ignore our attempts to contact you, if you can not answer the phone when we call, we will leave a brief message and ask that you call us back.
Q: My child is anxious and their attendance has dropped, but you want to meet me to discuss this matter. You know why they can’t attend, what is the point of this meeting?
A: Our meetings are intended to be supportive. We have staff in school who can support you and your child. If you are seeking external help it’s important to send in your appointment letters and stay in touch.