Curriculum intent
Through ‘pushing our boundaries to achieve more’ and underpinned by the SNA Way, our curriculum vision is to provide academic excellence for all students and ensure confident, responsible, independent young people.
This will be achieved through:
- Delivering a broad and balanced ambitious curriculum and enriched wider school experience for all students
- Ensuring high levels of challenge and expectation
- Enabling confidence and fluency in literacy, numeracy and oracy
- Providing high quality teaching which inspires students to reach their full potential
- Preparing and equipping students for their next stage in education, employment or training and for life in modern Britain.
The Key Stage 3 curriculum at SNA is taught from years 7 to 9 with all students taking their GCSE options as part of an Options process in spring term of Year 9. Key Stage 4 courses are then studied in years 10 and 11.
With recent changes to GCSE and A levels, there is an increased emphasis on literacy and also on terminal examinations with a reduction in both coursework and module examinations.
To ensure both high student progress and engagement, we have recently undertaken a comprehensive review of our KS3 curriculum offer to ensure it supports the progress of every student in preparation for Key Stage 4 study at every ability level.
If you would like to know more about the curriculum the school is following, please contact Mrs L Sharpe
You can view each subjects' curriculum overview by clicking the links at the bottom of this page.
Key Stage 3
Our year 7 curriculum is designed to be broad with students studying a large number of discrete subjects throughout the year.
Many of our students study two languages. The students that don’t study two languages will study French with additional Literacy time within their curriculum to further support development of this core skill.
In addition, a small target group of students are withdrawn from languages teaching in both Years 7 and 8 in order to create additional time for them to study further Maths and English core skills. Parents of the students involved in this scheme will be informed via letter before September of Year 7.
At Key Stage 3 students will study:
- Art
- Computing
- Drama
- Design and Technology
- English
- Food Technology
- French
- Geography
- Spanish
- History
- Mathematics
- Music
- Physical Education
- Religious Education
- Science
Key Stage 4
Students have a core curriculum of English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science Trilogy, RE and recreational PE. In addition, they are guided in selecting four options subjects from the following options:
GCSE Courses
- Art and Design
- Business Studies
- Computer Science
- Design and Technology
- Drama
- Frech
- Food and Nutrition
- Geography
- History
- Music
- Physical Education
- Spanish
- Triple Science
Vocational Courses (GCSE Equivalent)
- BTEC Level 2 in Sport
- Cambridge National in Creative iMedia
- RSL Level 2 in Music
- BTEC Level 2 in Health and Social Care
Personal, Social and Health Education
In addition to the main curriculum at Key Stage 3-5, all students at South Nottinghamshire Academy also study PSHE, Citizenship and SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education). These important aspects of our students’ education take place during tutor time, assemblies, enrichment activities and during special events during the school year.