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Reading at SNA

At South Nottinghamshire Academy, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We recognise that reading is an essential skill and is necessary for pupils to be successful both at school and in the future.

We aim to:

  • Provide pupils with support in lessons to develop their reading skills;
  • Deliver interventions, where necessary, to support with reading;
  • Monitor pupils through assessment of their reading and alter support where necessary;
  • Reward and praise engagement with reading;
  • Build a culture of reading amongst students and staff.

Our ethos of ‘pushing boundaries to achieve more’ is the backbone to our reading strategy. We host a yearly SNA Reading Festival and send pupils on school and trust-wide trips to promote good reading. Our library is stocked with pleasurable and academic reads to challenge our students. We also have a number of texts relevant to each subject discipline that students can read and enjoy as subject specialists.

To support our reading strategy, we have D.E.A.R. (Drop Everything and Read) where all KS3 pupils read for 15 minutes at the start of a lesson every day.

All KS3 students also attend the library where they follow the Accelerated Reader Programme. In addition, we host our SNA Reading Festival every year, and regularly attend reading events with students. Moreover, we have recently launched the ‘Get Caught Reading’ initiative where students are entered into a termly raffle if they are ‘caught’ reading outside of lessons.

For more information about reading at SNA, please contact our literacy coordinator:




Comprehension Strategies

We also use comprehension strategies across our curriculum to ensure that students are aware how to read well, and be successful readers in individual subjects.
















Reading Intervention Programme

Our staff promote a love and enthusiasm for reading; all teachers display what they are currently reading in their classrooms and offices, and reading is promoted in tutor time and around the school throughout the academic year.

We deliver the following interventions to ensure all students reach their full potential:

  • Accelerated Reader
  • No Nonsense Phonics
  • Reading Leaders
  • Reciprocal Reader (small group intervention)




Recommended Reads

Year 6 Transition