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The Learning Resource Centre aims to:

  1. Support by helping pupils to develop the skills to access information efficiently and effectively.
  2. Promote by encouraging reading for pleasure by providing a broad range of high-quality fiction and non-fiction.
  3. Respond by providing a proactive and responsive service tailored to the needs of pupils, staff and curriculum areas.
LRC Opening Times
Day Time
Monday 8.25am - 4.00pm
Tuesday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Wednesday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Thursday 8.00am - 4.00pm
Friday 8.00am - 3.00pm

The LRC is open throughout the school day, including before and after school and during break and lunchtimes. This is to ensure that all students have extensive access to the LRC in order to complete work, homework or read.

The LRC is used during lesson time and is regularly booked for Accelerated Reader lessons. All Year 7 and 8 students take part in the Accelerated Reader programme during their English lessons, which is designed to track and monitor students’ reading and raise literacy levels.

Parents can access Home Connect, a parent portal which gives information such as what their child is reading, how often they read and how well they understand the books they've read. This information can then stimulate discussions at home and help to emphasise the importance of reading to students.
Click on the below link to access Home Connect and then use your child's Accelerated Reader login details (which should be in the front of students' Reading Records):

Recommended Reading

At SNA, we take pride in our reading provision and want to ensure students are getting the most out of the library and reading lessons. Please see our pledge recommended reading list at the bottom of this page.

Accommodation and Resources

The LRC is a welcoming and useful place to learn as well as relax. It is also a flexible space as it can accommodate whole classes of students as well as smaller groups and sole learners. There is a suite of 12 computer workstations, a printer/photocopier and two soft seating areas to encourage reading for pleasure. 

The LRC aims to provide easy access to up-to-date and high-quality resources. This is essential for supporting students in their learning across the Academy. The LRC currently houses a collection of approximately 7,000 books. A broad range of reading materials are available in order to cater for a variety of different student ages, abilities and interests. It is important to note that all resources give a positive, balanced coverage of cultural, religious and political issues without undue extremism.  

Several high-quality journals are also available for staff and students to use as well as a range of magazines, which are recreational or curriculum relevant.

A comprehensive careers library is also available, which contains information and guidance about careers as well as college/university prospectuses. Mrs Caunt, our Business Engagement, Work Related Learning & Careers Officer, is based within the library and is available to speak directly to students. 


As our Ofsted report highlighted, there is “a clear culture of reading at the Academy.” This is something we are committed to maintaining through broadening students’ reading and literacy skills throughout their time here.  

There are half-termly displays and competitions in the library which promote reading and encourage our students to get involved. Every year, we also organise a reading festival, SNARF (South Notts Academy Reading Festival), in order to raise the profile of reading. This usually involves an author visit, as well as various competitions and activities happening across the academy.


The LRC is managed by our LRC coordinator, Mrs D. Hall, who works in the mornings, and Ms Sin, who works in the afternoons, both of whom have a wealth of knowledge, experience and qualifications that can support students and staff effectively.

If you would like any general advice on reading and literacy or maybe would like some book recommendations, please do not hesitate to email (LRC Coordinator) or (Whole School Literacy Coordinator).